Watch: Young Girl Recoils from Creepy Biden as He Whispers to Her Inside Coffee Shop

Joe Biden was called out over his creepy antics Friday when he was caught on film whispering to a young girl at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania.

The incident unfolded when Biden visited the Nowhere Coffee shop in Emmaus, where he approached a small library pretending to look at books behind a young girl who momentarily ignored his presence.

“Please don’t smell my hair.”
“Please don’t smell my hair.”
“Please don’t smell my hair.”
“Please don’t smell my hair.”

As he leaned in to inspect the books, Biden was asked if he had confidence in Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who’s currently hospitalized after undergoing surgery for prostate cancer.

“I do,” Biden replied.

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The puppet president could then be heard whispering something to the girl, who turned around surprised.

“Was it a lapse in judgment for him not to tell you earlier?” he was next asked, to which Biden responded, “Yes.”

The odd behavior was scrutinized on social media, with many critics saying the child instinctually moved away from danger.

Hello Renegade
