Sometimes, things aren’t as they seem. This episode of The

Terrorist Therapist Show brings you three stories that share

the common theme of bewildering and troubling mis-identities.

First, we look at the Navy’s latest recruitment fiasco, justly

panned by Robert J. O’Neill, a decorated Seal team member,

who helped kill Osama Bin Laden. When he heard about their

plan to use Harpy Daniels, a drag queen, as their ‘digital

ambassador’, to try to meet their quota of new recruits, he

said, “I can’t believe I fought for this bulls**t!… China is going

to destroy us!” And so are terrorists, if our military doesn’t stop

putting woke before more serious recruiting and training.

Second, we look at the tragedy in France, where a Syrian

migrant went on a rampage stabbing toddlers in a park, while

screaming, “In the name of Jesus Christ!” instead of the usual

terrorist cry of “Allahu Akbar!” (which doesn’t mean ‘God

is great’, but rather ‘Allah is greater than your God!’). As usual,

the media has been trying to avoid calling this a terrorist

attack, but people who knew him have come forward to say

he’s not the ‘Christian terrorist’ he pretended to be, but rather

a ‘madman of Allah’.

Third, we look at Tareena Shakil, an ISIS bride, who left the

UK at 26 to follow the siren song of Fabio, a handsome ISIS

fighter who she met online. Hoping to marry him, she dragged

her baby with her to the frontlines, but was shocked at what

she found. After serving time in a UK prison, she’s now an

online fashion influencer, hoping to find a designer to sponsor

her, and in this topsy turvy world, she just might.

Hello Renegade
