Not 1 But 2 Vaginas How would U Like That with Richie and Sammy

I was born with two vaginas George Clooney and Julia Roberts lent their considerable star power to the big Hollywood party, which raised around $30 million for Biden’s re-election campaign. They also dutifully recited Democrat talking points intended to scare the party’s base into rallying behind the deeply unpopular Biden. Who ARE these Clueless Morons?

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Richie & Sammy

Richie and Sammy Show on Renegade Talk Radio

Lobbyists got $15 million dollars to implement ELECTRONIC TRACKING of all cattle in the U.S. Pro-Beijing groups financially backed by two China-linked billionaires are pushing the radical transgender movement Wyoming man Jason Johnson could face 100 years in prison for ‘forcing a dog to perform SEX act on him by enticing it with cheese spray’…

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