Today’s News Talk Radio 8-29
Listen to “Alex Jones Reports On The Mad Max Conditions Now Hitting America!” on Spreaker.
Listen to “Alex Jones Reports On The Mad Max Conditions Now Hitting America!” on Spreaker.
Listen to “Signs Whores and Single Man with Richie and Sammy” on Spreaker.
Listen to “Richie and Sammy Chinese engineer ‘marries’ robot after failing to find a human wife ‘Wife’ can identify Chinese” on Spreaker.
The attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists was 9/11 and the Holocaust rolled into one! But, it portends even worse…. Ever since Hamas, unquestionably a terrorist organization, attacked Israel on October 7, 2023 in the most barbaric ways possible, the world has been thrown into chaos. We are still reeling from the images of beheaded…
Most Americans would like to believe that there will never be another 9/11, that Radical Islamist terrorists no longer envision attacking and overtaking America, and instituting Sharia law. But, in fact, terrorists are more determined and more able to do this today than they were on September 11, 2001. And yet every Anniversary, 9/11 is…