The Richie and Sammy Show Leftists have a master plan to ensure that President-elect Donald Trump’s economy tanks
Leftists Pledge to Load Up on Supplies Before Biden Leaves Office, Buy Nothing ‘for the Next Four Years’ to Tank Trump Economy
Leftists Pledge to Load Up on Supplies Before Biden Leaves Office, Buy Nothing ‘for the Next Four Years’ to Tank Trump Economy
Eva Longoria She is Leaving — The Rats GOVS Promise Massive Resistance to Border Enforcement
Two Beautiful Porn Models Randi and Christina Join Richie and Sammy
Join Richie Sammy Prophecy and Sofia as we try to figure what the Fuck this is all about Scientists recreated a vagina, uterus, cervix, liver and fallopian tubes with human tissue.
The Richie and Sammy Show Listen in Renegade Nation about what is Really Going on