TERROR! Coming to a Stadium or Concert Near U!

ISIS, Al Qaeda & Taliban are alive & well & eager to prove they still plan to kill you! America is more at risk for an attack than before 9/11! On today’s podcast, The Terrorist Therapist®, Carole Lieberman, M.D., will unravel these plans so you know what to expect. Not yet convinced? Even FBI Director,…

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England Surrendering to Terrorist Mobs… & WE’RE NEXT!

The Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Hamas terrorist mobs are turning up the heat! They’re no longer content to carry placards and shout anti-Israel slogans, they’re intimidating by violence! In London, they flashed “From the River to the Sea” on Big Ben at the moment Parliament was voting on a ceasefire resolution in a calculated attempt to stop…

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You’ve undoubtedly been bombarded by media stories about Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel and the subsequent fallout in Gaza and the rest of the Middle East, as well as worldwide protests supporting Hamas and Palestinians, and perpetrating Antisemitism. But, what you haven’t seen or heard are the REAL secrets behind these events because too many…

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After France, Jihadists Are Coming for YOU!

You’ve probably heard about jihadists’ recent rioting, burning and looting, while yelling Allahu Akbar, throughout France, though American mainstream media did not give it the coverage it warranted. Why not? Because some do not want you to realize or recall that it’s been the Radical Islamists’ intent, for over 1,000 years, to put the world…

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It’s the countdown to the Coronation of Charles III as King and Camilla as Queen of the United Kingdom, on May 6th at Westminster Abbey in London. Preparations are in their final stages-for the Royal Family, as well as the terrorists. Radical Islamists (Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS) have been recruiting their believers to take…

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