Radical Islamist migrants are winning the war in the UK, where leaders jail their own citizens for trying to save their country, and gaining in other countries, as well! As your Terrorist Therapist®, Carole Lieberman, M.D., I have been warning you for years that terrorists want GLOBAL JIHAD – not just to destroy Israel and…

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Terrorists are like cockroaches… you don’t see how many there are until you turn on the light! But, they’re on the ‘ground floor’ of today’s headlines from Elections to the Olympics. And the purpose of The Terrorist Therapist® Show podcast, hosted by Carole Lieberman, M.D., is to ‘turn on the light’ so everyone can understand…

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 On this episode of The Terrorist Therapist Show, psychiatrist Carole Lieberman, M.D., your Terrorist Therapist®, coins her new term to describe what the Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Hamas protesters are suffering from: ’terrorist envy’. She was inspired to create this ‘diagnosis’ for them when even the Hamas founder’s son, Mosab Hassan Yousef, said they “need to…

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England Surrendering to Terrorist Mobs… & WE’RE NEXT!

The Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Hamas terrorist mobs are turning up the heat! They’re no longer content to carry placards and shout anti-Israel slogans, they’re intimidating by violence! In London, they flashed “From the River to the Sea” on Big Ben at the moment Parliament was voting on a ceasefire resolution in a calculated attempt to stop…

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Not Just A Youth Rebellion, It’s Jihad!

Listen to “The Terrorist Therapist Show Not Just A Youth Rebellion, It’s Jihad!” on Spreaker. Osama Bin Laden groupies and Islamic conversions aren’t just TikTok fads – American youth are actually learning Jihad. A new poll reveals shocking statistics, including: 30% of GenZ think Bin Laden’s views are a ‘force for good’. Ever since October…

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