War Room Biden Border CHAOS! President Claims to Take Border Security Seriously, While Americans Get Raped

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War Room Hunter Biden Found Guilty on Gun Charges the Same Day President Biden Gives Speech

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BIDEN’S BRAIN vs JIHAD – A Race Against the Clock

 The clock is ticking… Biden’s dementia is getting worse. Terrorists are attacking Israel and moving on to global jihad. What will happen first: a terror attack in America or a mentally competent President to replace him and protect us? Dr. Lieberman, your Terrorist Therapist®, was the first one to publicly state that Biden had…

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As Russia and Ukraine call each other “terrorists,” like kids in a sandbox calling each other “Doo Doo Face,” we move ever closer to Nuclear War. It used to be so much easier to know who’s a terrorist: Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban. Now everyone wants to get into the act, to be known…

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