England Surrendering to Terrorist Mobs… & WE’RE NEXT!

The Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Hamas terrorist mobs are turning up the heat! They’re no longer content to carry placards and shout anti-Israel slogans, they’re intimidating by violence! In London, they flashed “From the River to the Sea” on Big Ben at the moment Parliament was voting on a ceasefire resolution in a calculated attempt to stop…

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BIDEN’S BRAIN vs JIHAD – A Race Against the Clock

 The clock is ticking… Biden’s dementia is getting worse. Terrorists are attacking Israel and moving on to global jihad. What will happen first: a terror attack in America or a mentally competent President to replace him and protect us? Dr. Lieberman, your Terrorist Therapist®, was the first one to publicly state that Biden had…

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From the barbarism of terrorists to the pressure to adopt Sharia law, to warnings from American intel officials, this episode will hopefully break through your denial. It is only when enough of us realize the imminent danger that we’re in, that people will do something to prevent global jihad. You know about the barbaric attack…

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Not Just A Youth Rebellion, It’s Jihad!

Listen to “The Terrorist Therapist Show Not Just A Youth Rebellion, It’s Jihad!” on Spreaker. Osama Bin Laden groupies and Islamic conversions aren’t just TikTok fads – American youth are actually learning Jihad. A new poll reveals shocking statistics, including: 30% of GenZ think Bin Laden’s views are a ‘force for good’. Ever since October…

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You’ve undoubtedly been bombarded by media stories about Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel and the subsequent fallout in Gaza and the rest of the Middle East, as well as worldwide protests supporting Hamas and Palestinians, and perpetrating Antisemitism. But, what you haven’t seen or heard are the REAL secrets behind these events because too many…

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