War Room Republicans Move to Impeach Biden For Not Sending More Weapons To Israel

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In this episode of The Terrorist Therapist Show, your Terrorist Therapist®, Carole Lieberman, M.D., takes you behind the scenes of the protests, where protesters have gone from claiming that they’re pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas to unashamedly acknowledging they’re Anti-Israel, AntiSemitic and Anti-American. They are increasingly fearless and demanding and they must be stopped! The First Amendment…

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Alex Jones Has Confirmed That the Globalist Deep State Has Already Set In Motion Civil Unrest Leading to Civil War & Martial Law — We Can Mitigate This!

Alex Jones Has Confirmed That the Globalist Deep State Has Already Set In Motion Civil Unrest Leading to Civil War & Martial Law — We Can Mitigate This! It’s all right in front of you! The defunding of police, implosion of borders, Biden funding Hamas to strike Israel, Israel standing down, Soros funding the leftists…

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ALL HELL IS BREAKING LOOSE! Friday Broadcast with Alex Jones

Israel directly strikes Iran, as military experts warn further escalation could lead to full regional war that could serve as the detonator for World War 3.

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