Wayne Allyn Root Show

Wayne Allyn Root WAR RAW

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Wayne Allyn Root WAR RAW

Wayne Allyn Root WAR RAW

Wayne Allyn Root WAR RAW

Wayne Allyn Root WAR RAW

“You’re in the right place…Opportunity is knocking, and Wayne Root will show you how to seize it. He knows how to be tenacious and relentless—and how to win!”

–Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States

“If you’re a fan of my father President Trump… (Wayne understands) the rules that got him to the pinnacle of business and politics, Trump-style.”
–Donald Trump Jr.

“Wayne Allyn Root is one of the great conservative thinkers in America.”
–Bill Cunningham, Host
“The Bill Cunningham Show” on 300+ Premiere Radio Stations

“The things Wayne Root cares about…speak to a lot of Americans.”
–TIME magazine

“And in many ways, Root is the Las Vegas version of Trump…” –The Daily Beast

That could be why even the liberal Trump-hating “Daily Beast” called Wayne, “The Donald Trump of Las Vegas.”
Wayne is a former lead anchorman and host of five shows at CNBC (then known as Financial News Network).
