‘Alex Jones Was Right’ About Censorship & Government Attempts to Control Information, Says Tucker Carlson

Fox News host says Alex Jones correctly warned about the U.S. government’s attempts to control the flow of information and targeting of individuals who dissent against official narratives. Fox News host Tucker Carlson admitted Infowars founder Alex Jones was right all along about the government seeking to control the flow of information. Carlson made the…

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Video: Bumblin’ Biden Struggles With Teleprompter While Defending Failed Economy

Puppet president continues to showcase his deteriorating mental state on a daily basis. Joe Biden once again stumbled and mumbled his way through remarks defending his economic policies on Friday. During a meeting with business and labor leaders, Biden attempted to assure the American people that his policies were working — only trouble was, his…

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Alex Jones Renegade Talk Radio

World Government Conference OFFICIALLY Announces MARK OF THE BEAST as Biden Calls for World ID to Travel, Buy & Sell!

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Alex Jones Renegade Talk Radio

Globalist Plan to Replace Americans With Permanent Underclass EXPOSED https://www.infowars.com/posts/live-wednesday-broadcast-schumer-admits-replacement-theory-is-real-demands-amnesty/

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