As Russia and Ukraine call each other “terrorists,” like kids
in a sandbox calling each other “Doo Doo Face,” we move
ever closer to Nuclear War. It used to be so much easier to
know who’s a terrorist: Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban. Now
everyone wants to get into the act, to be known as the
scariest leader or group around. For example, climate
activists, call themselves “Ecoterrorists.” There are also
those who don’t choose to be called “terrorists,” but others
with political agendas label them as such. For example, PTA
parents who dare to complain about the propaganda their
kids are being taught, have been labeled “terrorists.” Will the
REAL terrorists please stand up?
On this episode, we look at the rationale for why Russia and
Ukraine call each other “terrorists,” and examine whether the
label fits. Russia calls Ukraine a terrorist because, in
addition to their counter-offensive, they mocked Putin on his
70th birthday by exploding the Crimea Bridge and posting a
picture of it, along with Marilyn Monroe singing, “Happy
Birthday, Mr. President.” Hear why this was not a good idea.
Hint: it has to do with Putin’s childhood. And they’re also
blaming Ukraine for a so-called “terror attack.”
Zelensky, on the other hand, keeps making speeches asking
for the U.S. and other countries to recognize Russia as a
terrorist state, because of the threats of nuclear terrorism
and ever closer-calls, as well as the use of Iranian drones to
step up their attacks.
Finally, you will discover what orgies and anti-radiation pills
have got to do with it! And you will hear about the NATO and
Russian nuclear drills over Europe: what could go wrong?!