MISTRIAL? Judge Merchan Notes Concerning FB Post from ‘Juror’s Cousin’ Celebrating Trump Guilty Verdict ONE DAY BEFORE CONVICTION

The judge in Donald Trump’s “hush money” trial on Friday raised questions to prosecutors and the former president’s legal team about a comment made on the court’s Facebook page that appeared to preview the jury’s guilty decision.

The post was made one night ahead of the verdict’s announcement last Thursday, and stated, “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted 🎉 Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!! ❤️”

In a letter to both parties Friday, Judge Juan Merchan wrote, “Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention.”

Merchan said that the comment, which was attributed to a user identified as Michael Anderson, was “now labeled as one week old,” and was posted in response to a routine notice from the court posted on May 29 about oral arguments unrelated to proceedings in Trump’s case.

It’s currently unclear whether the comment was legitimate.

Trump’s legal team says it’s investigating the matter.

The Hill reports if the user’s claims are accurate, the screw-up could force a mistrial:

“Jurors were instructed not to discuss the facts of the case with anyone – including the judge – once the trial was underway. Under New York law, a breach of that agreement could serve as grounds to set aside the jury’s verdict.”

Hello Renegade
