IRS Whistleblowers Testify Against Biden Crime Family & Criminal Protection of Hunter Biden

Democrat attempts to ban MTG, Gosar, & others from running for reelection were simply test runs for what’s now happening in Michigan and other states! The indictment of Trump alternate electors is the most serious case of election meddling in US history and is being orchestrated out of the State Department, CIA, & Obama’s alternate White House that’s still operating in DC!

Overnight, Trump’s White House lawyers had their phones seized by the FBI, confirming Trump’s warning that his arrest for the Jan 6 “insurrection” is IMMINENT. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a bureaucratic intelligence agency coup looks like! However, they have now shown their hand! Never forget that everything we are seeing are acts of desperation and NOT strength! Tune in now for the latest from Alex Jones!

Hello Renegade
