Dark Enigma – Hitchhiking Haunts and Other Hilarious Horrors

Welcome back, fellow thrill-seekers, to another spine-tingling episode of Dark Enigma. As Mother’s Day approaches, it’s only fitting that we delve into the mother of all ghost stories: the legend of Resurrection Mary, the ultimate hitchhiking ghost. So grab your ghost detectors and hold onto your hats, because we’re about to uncover the eerie mysteries lurking along Archer Avenue.


Picture this, dear listeners: the year is 1939, and Chicago’s Resurrection Cemetery is shrouded in an eerie mist as darkness descends upon the city. The wind whispers secrets as it dances through the tombstones, setting the stage for a ghostly encounter like no other. This is the haunting ground of Resurrection Mary, a spectral hitchhiker with a penchant for catching rides along Archer Avenue. Legend has it that on a moonlit night, a young woman in a white gown emerges from the mist, her ghostly figure illuminated by the glow of passing headlights. She extends her ethereal hand, beckoning drivers to give her a lift, only to vanish into thin air before reaching her destination. But fear not, dear listeners, for this isn’t your average hitchhiker. Oh no, Resurrection Mary is the OG of ghostly travelers, and she’s been haunting these parts for decades.

Hello Renegade
