Alex Jones Renegade Talk Radio
Supreme Court Actively Joins Globalists In Destruction of US Border & the Demise of America! Are They Being Blackmailed? Alex Jones Reports
Supreme Court Actively Joins Globalists In Destruction of US Border & the Demise of America! Are They Being Blackmailed? Alex Jones Reports
American Journal “This is Not Over”: Abbott Vows to Secure Border After Supreme Court Ruling
From the barbarism of terrorists to the pressure to adopt Sharia law, to warnings from American intel officials, this episode will hopefully break through your denial. It is only when enough of us realize the imminent danger that we’re in, that people will do something to prevent global jihad. You know about the barbaric attack…
Listen to “War Room Supreme Court Green-Lights Illegal Invasion, Allow Feds to Cut Razor Wire on Texas Border” on Spreaker.
World Awakens to Depopulation Agenda as Alex Jones Exposes Brain-Washing of America’s Most Vulnerable in Public Schools