Australia Ordered Social Media To Censor Covid-Related Posts Over 4,000 Times, Censored Non-Australians And Memes

A freedom of information request filed by the South Australia Liberal Senator Alex Antic showed that the federal government made over 4,000 requests in three years to get posts about COVID-19 removed from online platforms.

“It is entirely unclear to me why the Department of Home Affairs, a department which is primarily charged with the duty of overseeing matters like border control, has been using a backdoor arrangement with social media companies to influence the media in relation into matters such as public health,” Antic said, adding that there should be a full explanation about what information was censored and why.
“On what basis is the department qualified to determine the truth associated with Covid related matters?” the senator asked, as reported by The Australian. “Are we seeing an Australian #Twitterfiles?”

Through the FOI request, Antic received the Department of Home Affairs Online Content Incident Arrangement Procedural Guideline, which explains how the government coordinates with online platforms to monitor and flag content. Oh just the Video

Hello Renegade
