A Great Podcast starts with a great team. Our Seasoned Producers focus on essential, creative considerations when developing your podcast. Our team hails from many of the finest podcast and broadcast organizations today

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Highlight Your Business, Start a Talk Show, or simply Unleash Your Genius for a LOW MONTHLY FEE.
The Renegade Talk Radio CO-OP is your own Talk broadcast and Production studio without the High investment. Creating an entirely new way to produce great Talk Radio as a Renegade Talk Radio CO-OP Member.
New Network Programs are considered through a selection process. If you are interested in hosting a live internet talk radio show on Renegade Talk Radio, your first step is to pitch us your show idea by speaking with a Account Producer.
Our initial phone interview allows us to evaluate you as a potential host. We will also discuss important program details and business arrangements related to the initial 13 week series. If your show idea meets our criteria, you will then be asked to submit a Show Proposal in writing. Your concept will then be reviewed by the Network. If your show is accepted by the Network, your Account Producer will put together your host contract with Renegade Talk Radio. Your show will then enter the initial six to eight week pre-production process for the launch of your radio show.
Also, we can provide results and provide statistics of listeners to your Talk Show.
Renegade Talk Radio is the leading podcast production company for brands, organizations, and entrepreneurs.
Our team sets you up with the right equipment, training, and guidance to ensure you sound amazing. Renegade Talk Radio handles all sound matters, so you can create engaging content and grow your audience.
Whether you’re a writer, business owner, or service provider, podcasting is one of the best ways to directly engage customers and grow your business.
Many Renegade Talk Radio clients use podcasting as a way to communicate to clients, increasing sales of products and services.
Renegade Talk Radio offers a full line of production and multimedia services along with our web based radio and television platform. Please review some of our other services below and click the get started button to have one of our team members contact you or just call us now at 714-501-0318.
Audio Production Liners, ads, Intro, Outro, Rejoin- production which includes: Professional Voice Talent Commercial copywriting and script creation Video Production and Live Streaming Web site Greetings, CEO interviews,
CONTACT renegadetalk@gmail.comPromotional Video, Infomercials, Green Screen High Definition Recording and Delivery Professional Hosting Talent available Commercial copywriting and script creation Banner ad creation Brand extension Media Kit Creation
Managed Podcast Recordings Dedicated professional studio engineer Recording time for 1 hour via Phone or Skype Post production editing with insertion of all elements Audio/Video to Text Transcription service Create text from audio or Video for Blogs, Articles, press release etc.
Press Release Services Renegade Talk Radio can help you to create a press release and distribute that to the masses Radio Show Page Creation and Hosting Creation of Audio Show promo to showcase content
Ability to Run a video in the Promo player RSS podcast content Listed in iTunes, TuneIn and Stitcher Ability to run Banner ads in 728×90 in 3 places: Above fold, Middle, Bottom Hosted player for embedding on third party sites
Major Social Media sharing and embedding functionality Studio quality mixing equipment (mixer)
Studio quality recording and encoding equipment professional studio usage Dedicated content delivery network CMS creation, Admin access, training Dedicated Network Manager and Audio Engineer Stats delivery
CONTACT renegadetalk@gmail.com