Oh the irony! The 9/11 Tribute Museum was forcedto close just days before the one-year anniversary of our surrender to the Taliban. Closing the Museum won’t make terrorists go away! In fact, we are in more danger than ever from Radical Islamists. Yet there are those who want us to forget both 9/11 and the Afghanistan debacle. At the end of August, the 9/11 Tribute Museum ran out of money because the pandemic and lockdownsshrank the number of visitors. The Museum was a gem – with victims’ families and first responders as docents – giving visitors an unparalleled intimate understanding of this tragic day. You will hear why,shockingly, nothing saved it – not donors, not taxes. August 30th, 2021 is another day of infamy – but, unlike 9/11, this one was caused by the Obama-Biden White House – not terrorists. It was the day they surrendered to the Taliban, despite Generals and the intelligence community – who foresaw the Taliban’s takeover – warning what would happen. You will hear why the -just released- Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee Report calls it ‘A Strategic Failure’. Finally, you will hear about the fallout of this surrender on the current conditions in Afghanistan and America – and why the 9/11 Tribute Museum ismore important now than ever. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it….

Hello Renegade
